Who is it for?

If you are a family with at least one child under 5 or you have a child with special needs, we can help you.

We can help families in a number of ways including:

To find out more call us on 01330 824 443 Monday to Thursday 8am to 3.30pm
Or email


Home-Start Deeside, Alford & Strathdon operates an open-referral policy. Families can contact us directly or they can ask a friend or family member to contact us. Health visitors, Social Workers or others who have contact with the family may suggest Home-Start support and, with the families permission, refer to Home-Start Deeside, Alford & Strathdon.

After a Referral

Once a family has been referred, a co-ordinator will arrange to visit the family to discuss their needs and answer any questions.

The co-ordinator will then aim to match the family as quickly as possible with a suitable volunteer. The volunteer will be introduced to the family and arrangements made to visit weekly for as long as there is a need.

Once a volunteer is matched to a family, the referrer will be given written confirmation that the family is receiving support from Home-Start Deeside, Alford & Strathdon.

The help offered will vary according to the specific needs of the family. Friendship, talking, listening, playing with the children, helping in the home or accompanying the family on outings or for appointments may all be offered.

The length of time that a volunteer offers support will also vary, with some families only needing support for a short time whilst others may need help for much longer.

Home-Start support is confidential.  Personal information about you and your family is not disclosed to anyone outside Home-Start without your consent, except where there is a concern about the safety or welfare of a child.

You choose whether or not to accept support from Home-Start and can change your mind at any time. A volunteer will only visit on your invitation.