
Home-Start Deeside, Alford and Strathdon is your local Home-Start organisation. At the heart of our charity is the belief that parents have the key role in creating a secure and happy environment for their children. It’s just that sometimes they need a bit of help. That’s where Home-Start comes in.

If you would like to get home visits, or would like to volunteer, give us a call on  01330 824 443 and speak to our friendly staff.  Our Banchory office is open Monday to Thursday, 8am to 3.30pm.

Home Support

Home-Start Deeside, Alford and Strathdon family visiting volunteers will visit a family in their own home usually once a week for a few hours to offer support.

Our volunteers help parents going through difficult times including:

  • Friendly support through difficult times for as long as it is needed.
  • Understanding that when bringing up children, problems are not unusual.
  • Reassurance, all parents can sometimes feel overwhelmed. You are not alone!
  • A listening ear and a shoulder to cry on.
  • An extra pair of hands volunteers are not baby-sitters or home-helps but can offer you practical help with the children and daily routines.
  • Reduce isolation access to groups in the community.
  • Emphasising the positive aspects of family life.

Group Support

We offer local support at our Groups for Home-Start Deeside, Alford and Strathdon Families.

Our groups provide a space for parents to gather, meet and talk, and create their own local support network.

Banchory – Helping Hands
Tuesday Mornings
Banchory – Bits n Bobs
Thursday Mornings
Alford – Mums in Mind
Thursday Mornings
Alford – Bits n Bobs
Thursday Afternoons

We would like to request that due to the nature of these groups that ONLY families receiving support from Home-Start attend.

If you would like any more information about the timings and location, please call our office on 01330 824 443 .  Our Banchory Office is open Monday to Thursday, 8am to 3.30pm or email